Local Regularly Scheduled Or On Call Pickup & Delivery

Local Scheduled Or On Call Pickup & Delivery Service
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Local Regularly Scheduled or On Call Pickup & Delivery


With today’s busy lifestyles, there never seems enough time to get things done.

So consider the added convenience of RAVE FabriCARE’s free pickup and delivery service -- once or twice a week.

At RAVE FabriCARE, we offer Regularly Scheduled or On Call pick up and delivery in specific zip codes using our own delivery vans and employees.

Our Regularly Scheduled or On Call service is designed for clients who have expressed a strong interest in utilizing our services on a regular basis.

Examples of a Regularly Scheduled client include:

  • A client who resides permanently in one of the specific zip codes served by our pickup and delivery service and where we pickup and deliver once or twice a week.
  • A client who resides permanently in one of the specific zip codes served by our pickup and delivery service and where we pickup and deliver once or twice a week, except for a few months during the summer.
  • A client who resides part time in one of the specific zip codes served by our pickup and delivery service – such as a winter resident – and where we pickup and deliver once or twice 
a week during their fall/winter/spring residency.

Examples of an On Call client include:

  • A client who resides permanently in one of the specific zip codes served by our pickup and delivery service, who travels extensively and where we pickup and deliver many times during the course of a year when they are not traveling.
  • A client who was an On Call client with multiple orders during 2023 and who was, therefore, an On Call client in good standing as of January 1, 2024.

It's a free service

Our Regularly Scheduled or On Call pickup and delivery service is a free service. The rationale behind offering this free service is simple:

The volume of business generated by a Regularly Scheduled or On Call client more than offsets the added cost of offering that convenience at no extra cost to the client.

Our geographic service area

We currently serve the following geographic areas:

  • Arcadia
  • Biltmore
  • Downtown/Midtown
  • East Camelback Corridor
  • Encanto
  • North Central Corridor
  • North Scottsdale (South of Dynamite Rd)
  • Paradise Valley
  • Scottsdale

Live outside of our local geographic service area? Are your needs one time or occasional?

Live in a zip code that's outside our Regularly Scheduled or On Call pick up and delivery service area?

Live in a zip code within our Regularly Scheduled or On Call pickup and delivery service area but your need for service is one time or occasional?

If so, we have a solution: On Demand pickup and delivery service.

Think of our On Demand pickup and/or delivery service as a DoorDash, GrubHub, UberEats or InstaCart for your fine garments and household textiles.

For details about this service, please click here.

‍We make signing up for Regularly Scheduled or On Call service so easy

Caring for your fine garments, household textiles and accessories is as close as your front door. We make it easy using a combination of:

  • blue nylon bags with laminated, identification tags
  • designated pickup and delivery point
  • credit card on file.

What’s more, you never have to be at home to receive service.

And we do all this at no extra charge.

Want to short circuit the sign up process identified below?

Call our pickup and delivery service line at 480 998 8266 or email us with your interest.

We'll gather the information necessary to set up service over the phone.

Signing up is as easy as 1-2-3

Step 1: Complete the form below. Upon receipt, we'll call you to set up service.


Call our pickup and delivery service line at 480 998 8266. We'll gather the information necessary to set up service over the phone.

If you'd like to protect your privacy, please call us at 480 998 8266. We have Non Disclosure Agreements with number of clients. We can also substitute a pseudonym in our computer system for your personal name. For example, Montana1948 (State and DOB), Casa Paraiso (residence name), White Pearl (yacht name), etc. This way your name does not appear on any invoice.

When you call, please ask to speak to the Owner.

Sign up
Thank you! We are reviewing your local pickup & delivery signup information. We will contact you with any questions.
We're sorry. There was an error with the information submitted. Please call us at: (844) 728-3322

Step 2: Upon receipt of your email, we'll call you to discuss your needs and options

Upon receipt of your email, we'll call you. The purpose of this call is to assess your needs, inform you of your options and answer any questions you might have.

Amongst other things, we'll cover the following topics:

Assessing your desired schedule

We offer 2 options: regularly-scheduled once or twice weekly pickup and delivery service or our on call service.

Identifying a pickup and delivery point

We need to identify a pickup and delivery point at home where you can leave one of our blue nylon bags containing your cleaning, and where our driver can, in turn, hang your delivered orders.

Suggestion: Select a place that’s not (too) visible from the street and protected from the sun, wind, rain and irrigation systems. Ideal places include a front door alcove, rear patio, garage, utility room, guest house, pool house, etc.

If someone will always be home, we can ring the door bell. However, we still need to identify a default pickup and delivery point in the event no one will be home on the sceduled pickup and/or delivery day.

Agreeing on a start date

We'll agree on the date you wish to commence service.

Delivering your nylon blue bags

Once your pickup and delivery day(s) have been determined, your driver will -- time permitting -- deliver two nylon bags to you prior to your first pickup.

Picking up your first order

If you don’t already have your blue nylon bags on the day before your first pickup, leave a plastic bag marked “RAVE" at the designated pickup and delivery point by 10:00 a.m. on the date we’re scheduled to make the first pickup.

Your driver will place your cleaning in one of the bags and leave the second bag at your designated pick up and delivery point for subsequent use.

Delivering your first order

On the scheduled delivery date, your driver will return your cleaning and your blue nylon bag to the designated pickup and delivery point.

Paying for your orders

Every delivered garment, household textile or accessory has an attached invoice describing the item in question and detailing the pricing. All invoices are payable on the day of delivery.

Should you wish to establish pickup and delivery service, we'll ask you for your credit card details (account number, expiration date, security code and credit card statement billing zip code).

We accept American Express, Discover, Mastercard and Visa.

Your credit card information is highly secure. Once your credit card details are entered into our system, only the last 4 digits of your card number and the expiration date are visible to and/or retrievable by any RAVE employee.

Step 3: Once you've decided to join our pickup and delivery service, you may want to inform us of your specific preferences

(Step 3 is optional)

At this point, we have all the information we need to establish your unique account and commence service. For some clients, that's all that's necessary. Their approach is "You're the experts. That's why we were referred to you. We trust you to do the right thing".

By contrast, some clients prefer to provide us with very specific details on their likes and dislikes. We'll be delighted to capture that information in our operational system and deliver on your specific preferences.

Please use the form below to provide those details.

Personal Details
Ladies Shirt/Blouse Laundry
French Cuffs
Collar Supports
Collar Stays
Ladies Dry Cleaning/Wet Cleaning
Finish on cottons/linens
Fold/hang ladies slacks
Creases on ladies slacks
Fold/hang ladies jeans
Creases on ladies jeans
Men's Shirt Laundry
French Cuffs
Collar Supports
Collar Stays
Mens Dry Cleaning/Wet Cleaning
Finish on cottons/linens
Fold/hang Men's slacks
Creases on Men's slacks
Fold/hang Men's jeans
Creases on Men's jeans
Fine Linens
Bed Linens
Table napkins, place mats and coasters
Thank you! We are reviewing your local pickup & delivery signup information. We will contact you with any questions.
We're sorry. There was an error with the information submitted. Please call us at: (844) 728-3322


French cuffs – flat
French cuffs returned flat without a fold.

French cuffs – fold roll
French cuffs turned up with no crease. Button holes are aligned. RAVE cuff links are inserted.

French cuffs – fold press
French cuffs turned up with a straight light crease. Button holes are aligned. RAVE cuff links are inserted.

Please note: We do not recommend creasing the cuffs of french cuff shirts. We’ll most likely decline to process your shirts should you elect this option.

Sleeves – rolled
No shoulder to cuff crease along the sleeve (with a crease along the bottom seam of the sleeve from underarm to cuff).

Sleeves – creased
A crease from shoulder to cuff along the sleeve (with a crease along the bottom seam of the sleeve from underarm to cuff).

Please note: We do not recommend creasing the sleeves of your long sleeve shirts. We’ll most likely decline to process your shirts should you elect this option.

Collar support – insert supports
A V-shaped plastic collar support inserted into the top button of a blouse or shirt to prevent “collar droop”.

Collar support – no supports
No collar supports inserted into the top button of a blouse or shirt.

Packaging – hangers
Shirts returned on 18” wide white metal shirt hangers.

Packaging – hand folded
Shirts and blouses returned hand folded (never machine folded) and sealed in a 4 mil heavy duty plastic bag with a “built in” cushion of air. The complete packaging includes a thick, white board, white acid free tissue, a bubble-style V-shaped plastic collar support in the top button, and a plastic collar band on the inside of the neck and under the collar.

Soft press all cottons and linens
Garment is finished by hand using no sizing (sizing is to dry cleaned garments what starch is to laundered dress shirts) or water mist/vapor. The result is a semi-wrinkled fabric with no smoothness and no body/crispness.

No sizing all cottons and linens
Garment is finished by hand using no sizing (sizing is to dry cleaned garments what starch is to laundered dress shirts) and some water mist/vapor. The result is a smooth fabric with almost no body/crispness.

Light sizing all cottons and linens
Garment is finished by hand using some sizing (sizing is to dry cleaned garments what starch is to laundered dress shirts) and some water mist/vapor. The result is a smooth fabric with a light (but not stiff) body/crispness. Medium or heavy sizing is available on special request (although we do not recommend a medium or heavy sizing on cottons and linens).

Fold slacks/trousers/jeans over a strut hanger
All slacks/trousers/jeans returned folded over the bar of a strut hanger.

Clip slacks/trousers/jeans lengthwise at the waist
All slacks/trousers/jeans returned hung lengthwise from the waistband on a clip hanger that does not leave indents on your slacks, trouser or jeans.

All slacks, trousers and jeans with no creases are always returned in this manner (unless you specify otherwise).

All linen slacks, trousers and jeans are always returned in this manner ((unless you specify otherwise).

All shorts are always returned in this manner.

All linen slacks, trousers and jeans are always returned in this manner if the waistband is relatively large and the outer seam of the slacks, trousers and jeans is relatively short (because the distribution of the garment’s weight is concentrated in the waist area garments of this nature tend to fall off strut hangers quite easily).

We do not recommend hanging slacks/trousers/jeans lengthwise at the hem.

No creases on any slacks/trousers/jeans
All slacks, trousers and jeans that arrive at our facility with no creases are returned with no creases.

If slacks, trousers and jeans arrive at our facility with ceases and your instruction is to return all slacks, trousers and jeans with “no creases”, we will remove the crease to the extent practical. If we have any questions as to the desirability returning a particular garment with no creases, we will contact you.

Crease all slacks/trousers/jeans
All slacks, trousers and jeans that arrive at our facility are returned with creases even if they have no creases on arrival. If we have any questions as to the desirability of returning a garment with a crease, we will contact you.

Fold sweaters over a strut hanger
All sweaters are returned folded over the bar of a strut hanger.

Because of the likelihood of stretching, it is not appropriate to hang a sweater or a knit vertically on a hanger. We will respectfully decline to clean and finish any sweater or knit if that request is accompanied by an instruction to hang the sweater or knit vertically on a hanger.

Fold sweaters flat in breathable sweater bag
All sweaters are returned, flat, carefully folded and cushioned with white acid free tissue in a breathable sweater bag.

Here’s some more, in depth information

For more in-depth information about specific aspects of our pickup and delivery service, please read on…

Range of services

With the exception of personal fittings for alterations, there’s no service offered in-store that’s not available on a pickup and delivery basis.

You'll find a comprehensive list of our specialized services in the Services section of this website.

Got an unusual request? Just call us.

If it involves the restoration, cleaning, finishing, repair, preservation or storage of a garment, household textile or accessory, we can probably help.


Local pickup and delivery clients pay the same price as our local in-store clients, our nationwide clean by mail clients, and our worldwide clean by mail clients.

No junk fees

Unlike ordinary cleaners:

  • we don’t add a 3% to 6% environmental tax or surcharge to any invoice. This is nothing more than a scam designed to generate additional revenues as there is no state-mandated “environmental tax, surcharge or charge” in Arizona.
  • we don't add a fuel tax or surcharge to any invoice. When the price of gas drops, they never seem to go away.
  • we don't add a sales tax to any invoice. There are no sales taxes on any of our services in Arizona.

For further information on our pricing philosophy and actual pricing, please click here.


Our normal turnaround time on regular dry cleaning, shirt laundry and household textiles is 1 week.

If you’re a pickup and delivery client with a once a week pickup/delivery schedule, say every Monday, we’ll pick up on a Monday and deliver the following Monday.

If you’re a pickup and delivery client with a twice a week pickup/delivery schedule, say Monday/Thursday, we’ll pickup and deliver twice a week. Monday’s pickup will be delivered on the following Monday; Thursday’s pickup on the following Thursday.

Generally, one week.

For further information on our turnaround philosophy, please click here.

Dedicated service line

We have a dedicated pickup and delivery service number: 480-998-8266.

You can always reach one of our Fabricare Consultants Monday through Friday (7:00 am to 6:00 pm) and Saturday (8:00 am to 3:00 pm).

If no one is available to take your call personally, you can always leave a message 24/7.

Alternatively, you can link directly into your unique account in our computer system. When we establish you on our pickup and delivery route system, you'll receive a link to your unique account.

Use this link to send us text or email messages, schedule pickups, notify us of travel plans, search the status of current garments, household textiles and accessories in our possession, search the history of past garments, household textiles and accessories cleaned by us, update your personal preferences, update your credit card on file, etc.

Regularly scheduled pickup and delivery service

Our pickup and delivery service operates on a Monday to Friday basis within the zip codes we serve.

We offer once a week (some zip codes) or twice a week (other zip codes) regularly scheduled service.

The location of your residence and the average number of articles you expect to clean on a monthly basis will, for the most part, determine whether your pickup and delivery schedule is once or twice a week.

If you choose to become a regularly scheduled pickup and delivery client, there’s no need to ever call for a pickup. We’ll stop by automatically. Rain or shine. Unless you call us to say no pick up and/or delivery on a particular date because, say, you’ll be out of town or away for the summer.

On call pickup and delivery service

Our pickup and delivery service operates on a Monday to Friday basis within the zip codes we serve.

If you feel that your current needs do not dictate once or twice a week regularly scheduled service and you intend to use our service many times during the course of a year, you might find our on call service more suitable.

If you’re an on call client and you have a pick up, all you have to do is call us before 10:00 am on the day we are scheduled to be in your service area.

Here’s an example: Say you’re a Wednesday on call client and you’ve got cleaning to pickup. Just call us prior to 10:00 am Wednesday.

We’ll take it from there!

Pickup only service

Occasionally, an existing regularly scheduled or on call pick up and delivery client will ask us to pick up a cleaning order at their residence with the request that we hold the order at our facility for pick up by them at some future date.

This situation is perfect for the frequent traveller who’s in and out of town on a relatively frequent basis.

This “pickup only” service is only available to established pick up and delivery clients.

Delivery only service

Occasionally, an existing pick up and delivery client who lives in our service area will drop off their order at our facility with the request that the order be delivered to his/her residence.

This situation is perfect for the frequent traveller who might return from a trip on a day or at a time when our delivery representatives are not in his/her service area and then elects to personally drop off their cleaning at our facility.

This “delivery only” service is only available to established pick up and delivery clients.

Blue nylon bags

When you first sign up for our pickup and delivery service, we’ll provide you with two blue nylon bags.

Each bag has a laminated tag with your name, service address and phone number, as well as certain shirt laundry preferences.

Details of all your other personal preferences can be communicated to us by completing the form in Step 3 above.

And because we return your bag with each completed order, you’ll always have one bag in your possession to gather articles for the next pickup.

Need more bags? Just call our pickup and delivery service line at 480-998-8266.

Designated pickup and delivery point

You do not have to be at home when your driver arrives.

In fact, we prefer not to disturb you.

Just leave your blue nylon bag at a designated pick up and delivery point – front door, rear patio, garage, utility room, guest house, pool house, etc.

We’ll always return your completed order to that same point.

When selecting a designated pickup and delivery point, please choose one that’s not (too) visible from the street and protected from the elements (sun, wind, rain, irrigation system, etc.).

There’s one other possibility: If there’s always someone at home, we can ring the front door or service entrance bell. If you select this alternative approach, please designate an alternative pickup and delivery point as a back up. Just in case no one’s home when we arrive.

In the event you've set up service with a request to ring the door bell on arrival and you don't designate an alternative pickup and delivery point as a back up, we'll add a $25 surcharge to your delivery order on each occasion we attempt to make a delivery and no one answers the door bell within a reasonable period of time. That $25 surcharge is designed to partially offset the additional time required to return your orders to our facility and then redeliver those orders on the next earliest opportunity.

Specific times or time windows

We’re sorry, but we are unable to agree on a specific time or specific time window your delivery representative will arrive at your residence.

You see, our pickup and delivery service is a free service. And to continue to offer this free service, we must control our delivery costs. Our delivery costs are, in turn, primarily influenced by two factors:

  • our ability to get in and out of your residence in the shortest possible time.
  • our ability to fit you into our existing route schedule in the most efficient manner.

So, if we were to agree to a specific time or specific time window, we’d have to add an “out-of-sequence surcharge” to your bill every time we visit you.

And that’s something we’d rather not have to do.

Although some of our clients have questioned our reluctance to agree to a specific time or time window for pickup and delivery, most understand that smooth, uninterrupted travel on the streets of metro Phoenix is not what it used to be ten or twenty years ago.

Traffic problems caused by road construction, vehicular congestion, weather conditions, emergencies, and a host of other disruptions make precise pickup and delivery times a remote possibility at best.

That having been said, we’ll do our best to comply with service time preferences of the “no later than” variety. Such as a request to arrive no later than 4:00 pm (when your housekeeper leaves), no later than 5:00 pm (because your gated community does not admit service vehicles after 5:00 pm), and the like.

Office service

We’ve always been reluctant to provide pickup and delivery service at the office.

Quite frankly, we prefer to pickup and deliver from your residence. That way you don’t have to lug your bag to the office and drag your cleaning back home.

That’s not to say we won’t consider pickup and delivery from your office.

For example, if your residence is in a neighborhood currently not served by us, we’d consider pickup and delivery at your office, provided

  • your hours of operation are consistent with our route schedule, and
  • our driver can get in and out of your office building or office suite relatively quickly (without having to negotiate security, asking receptionists to page you while you’re in a meeting, finding your office door locked, etc).

First pickup

To prepare for your first pickup, just place your cleaning in a large plastic bag (tagged "RAVE") and leave the bag at your designated pickup and delivery point.

Once you’ve signed up for our pickup and delivery service, we’ll always endeavor to deliver (or mail) your blue nylon blue bags to you so that you have those bags in your possession the day before your first scheduled pickup.

If, for some timing or logistical reason, you don’t have your blue nylon bags on the day before your first pickup, your driver will bring two blue nylon bags with him on the day of your first pick up and place your cleaning in one of the bags.

The driver will then ring the doorbell to introduce him or herself. If no one’s home, the driver will leave the second blue nylon bag at the designated pickup and delivery point for subsequent use by you.

Tracking your pieces

The vast majority of our pickup and delivery clients don’t keep track of the items they send in for cleaning. Typically, they just fill the bag.

Nonetheless, we recommend that you do keep a list for yourself and place a copy in your RAVE bag.

This record keeping form allows you to have a clear record of all items entrusted to our care, rather than guessing. This also ensures that we won’t get a call inquiring about your red turtleneck cashmere sweater that you’re pretty sure you put it in the RAVE bag sometime last month.

In the absence of a list placed in your RAVE bag, our final count must be accepted as definitive.

If you so desire, you can always ask us to text or email you a list of all items received from you the day of or the day after pickup.

Alternatively, you can link directly into your unique account in our computer system. When we establish you on our pickup and delivery route system, you'll receive a link to your unique account.

Use this link to search the list of current garments, household textiles and accessories in our possession as well as the list of past garments, household textiles and accessories cleaned by us.

Classifying your garments

You do not have to separate your dry cleaning from shirt laundry, household textiles from accessories. We’ll use our best judgement when we open your bag at our facility.

Our judgement is based, in part, on the article’s care label, fabric, fabric texture, fabric construction, buttons, color, dye, trim, stains, and the like. And our 35+ years of experience determining the very best way in which to care for your fine garments, household textiles and accessories.

Special instructions

If you have a specific garment that you want treated in a specific manner -- such as a request to block a sweater to different dimensions or to dry clean a specific dress shirt instead of laundering it -- just indicate your preference on

  • on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper placed in your bag, or
  • on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper pinned to the appropriate article.

We’ll process your order accordingly.

Extended periods away

If you’re going to be away for a brief or extended period of time, all we ask is that you contact us. Tell us when you’re leaving and when to recommence service. If your return date is uncertain, just contact us when you return.

For your convenience, our pickup and delivery service line (480-998-8266) is open 24/7. This way you can call whether you’re in Phoenix (Arizona), Phoenixville (Pennsylvania), or Phoenix City (Alabama).

Alternatively, you can text or email. When we establish you on our pickup and delivery route system, you'll receive a link to your unique account in our computer system. Use this link to send us text or email messages, schedule pickups, notify us of travel plans, etc.

No minimum monthly expenditure

We do not set a minimum monthly expenditure target for pickup and delivery clients.

Given that our pick up and delivery service is a free service, we do review all accounts over time to assess the economic viability of continued pick up and delivery service.

Typically, we take into account factors such as the number of visits to your residence during any month, the revenue generated by those visits, your geographical location, and the split between dry cleaning, shirt laundry, household textiles, repairs and alterations, and other services.

Economic viability of service is, for the most part, predicated on the volume of dry cleaning.

We regret that we are unable to provide free pickup and delivery service for clients who only wish to use our shirt laundry service.

And the reason?

Providing pick up and delivery service for shirt laundry only is not an economically sustainable proposition for unless the physical volume of shirts is substantial.

For on call pickup and delivery clients, we do have a three piece dry cleaning minimum for each pickup.

And the reason?

This strategy discourages clients who have no on-going interest in our services and who sign up for our pickup and delivery service with the sole objective of avoiding a trip to and from our facility.

Bonding and insurance

All our drivers are fully bonded. And all your garments, household textiles and accessories are fully insured in accordance with insurance industry guidelines while in our possession (from the moment we pick up your bag to the moment we deliver your orders).

Please note that we are not responsible nor can we be held responsible for “mysterious disappearances” of our blue nylon bags or delivered, completed orders from highly visible pickup and delivery points.

When we make deliveries, our drivers scan the bar codes on every invoice delivered to record the exact date and time of delivery and then photograph the deliveries hanging at the designed pickup/delivery point. In the event, the garments, household textiles and/or accessories are handed to an individual, the photographs record the handoff.


In an age where almost every business asks you to select a tip amount when you pay by credit card, our drivers do not expect, nor do they accept tips every time they visit your residence.

On the other hand, should you wish to reward your driver in any way for a job well done over an extended period of time, we’re sure your driver would appreciate your kind gesture.

Corporate or business accounts

We offer three types of accounts other than individual accounts:

  • unincorporated business accounts,
  • privately-held corporate accounts and
  • publicly-held corporate accounts.

All unincorporated business accounts and privately-held corporate accounts require a personal guarantee by the beneficial owner of the account.

Incomplete orders

At RAVE FabriCARE, we pride ourselves on the care we take with your garments, household textiles and accessories. Our objective is to return your garments, household textiles and accessories to you in as close to original condition as possible.

By contrast, there are over 400 cleaners in the Valley who would be happy to accommodate your desire for fast 2 or 3 day turnaround — irrespective of the condition of the returned garment, household textile or accessory.

For over 35 years, RAVE FabriCARE has refused to be part of this obsession with fast turnaround.

That’s because extraordinary care involves both skill and time. And extraordinary care cannot be rushed.

Accordingly, we may still be working on one or more pieces in your order on the scheduled delivery date.

For example, a garment that may have a particularly stubborn stain; a household textile that may require a time consuming repair; a specialty or couture garment that cannot be rushed, or an accessory that might require multiple processes to return it to the best possible condition.

In this case, we’ll deliver all the completed pieces. The remaining piece or pieces will be delivered at the first opportunity after completion.

Questions about your pickup and delivery schedule, current orders in process, past orders completed, personal preferences, credit cards on file, etc.

Just call our pickup and delivery service line at 480-998-8266.

One of our Fabricare Consultants will be pleased to answer any questions you may have or direct you to the individual who can help.

Alternatively, you can link directly into your unique account in our computer system. When we establish you on our pickup and delivery route system, you'll receive a link to your unique account.

Use this link to send us text or email messages, schedule pickups, notify us of travel plans, search the status of current garments, household textiles and accessories in our possession, search the history of past garments, household textiles and accessories cleaned by us, update your personal preferences, update your credit card on file, etc.

Changes to your delivery address

If you wish to change your delivery address, just call our pickup and delivery service line at 480-998-8266.

We'll notify you whether there will be any change in your pickup and delivery schedule. For example, if you move from Paradise valley to North Scottsdale, your pickup and delivery days might change from Monday/Thursday to Tuesday/Friday.

Personal information and credit card security

All information about you, your credit card and your personal preferences is secured through physical, electronic and procedural safeguards.

Our privacy guarantee to you is simple. We’ll restrict access to your information as follows:

  • Personal information: Access to personal information is restricted solely to employees who need such information to perform their duties.
  • Credit card information: Once we enter your credit card information into our system, the only information that can be accessed by anyone — including ownership and management — is the last 4 digits of your credit card number and the expiration date.

Furthermore, we’ll never sell, rent or share your information with anyone who is not directly affiliated with RAVE FabriCARE. Like you, we also hate spam.

For further information on our Privacy Policy, please click here.

Recycling packaging materials

All wire and paper hangers, tissue and poly bags returned to us are collected by a local recycling company.

Unlike ordinary cleaners, we don’t reuse these materials ourselves.

And the reason is obvious…

Simple hygiene dictates that it would be completely inappropriate to package your garments, household textiles and accessories – garments, household textiles and accessories that have just been cleaned, sanitized and deodorized – using materials that are not “guaranteed clean” because they have not been constantly under our control.

We do, however, reuse our plastic suit jacket, blazer, blouse and clip hangers. But only after they have been carefully wiped down with a disinfectant.

Should you wish to recycle your hangers, tissue and poly bags, please place them in a separate plastic bag and leave that bag next to your blue nylon bag for pickup. Alternatively, if your blue nylon bag is not full, you may wish to add your packaging materials to your blue nylon bag.

Major national holidays

We’re closed on all major holidays: Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Years Day.

There’s no pickup or delivery on those days.

These holidays will disrupt our regularly scheduled service in the following way: Say Memorial Day is observed on a Monday. There’ll be no pickup or delivery that day. So if you’re a Monday only pickup and delivery client, it’ll be two weeks between pickup and delivery (unless you call to schedule an alternative, one-time pickup and delivery date, say, on the following Thursday).

The Thanksgiving holiday is always celebrated on a Thursday. We always close for the 4 days (Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday) associated with the holiday.

There's no pickup and delivery service on that Thursday and Friday.

Annual vacation

RAVE FabriCARE closes for one week during the first full week of August each year.

A dry cleaner who closes for vacation? Yes, we know that’s unheard of in the USA.

Why do we close for a week?

Because our employees are highly specialized technicians with very specific skills. Unlike ordinary cleaners, they’re not interchangeable “jacks of all trades” who can be shifted around to constantly “fill in” for vacationing employees.

At RAVE FabriCARE, we treat all our employees — the very heart of our business — with the respect they deserve. And one thing they all deserve is some time off.

Of course, we’ll always give you ample advance notice.

We thank you for your understanding.

"I've tried many dry cleaners in the past... Rave is superb... never have anything returned that I am not happy with... also they've never misplaced any of my clothing... can’t say enough how happy I am with Rave... First Class all the way."
Renee Jobe
Internationally Recognized Dry Cleaner
RAVE FabriCARE is a nationally recognized leader in true quality care for fine garments, household textiles and accessories. And the only dry cleaner in Arizona recognized as one of the nation’s premier dry cleaners by non-compensated, independent, authoritative third parties.