Why would you pay $50 to $65 for a $15 to $25 dry cleaned suit?

You’ve heard the claim before: “We gently dry clean and delicately hand iron all your fine garments.”

But is there any truth to this claim?

Is there a dry cleaner in Arizona - other than RAVE FabriCARE - that gently dry cleans and delicately hand irons all your fine garments as a matter of routine?

We don’t believe there is. But we could be wrong…

That’s because there are a number of cleaners in Arizona claiming that “we’re just as good as RAVE”, “our cleaning process is just like RAVE”, “we hand iron all your garments just like RAVE” and “we do everything that RAVE does but at half or quarter the price”.

Quite frankly, we’ve lost count of all the spurious claims, distortions, trickery and fabrications.

After all, you know that most dry cleaners will say and print anything.

Even if there’s no truth to the claim.

Even when there’s no evidence to support the claim.

Even when the evidence – your “cleaned and pressed” garments – directly contradicts the claim.

And why do they make these claims?

All in the hope that you won’t understand or recognize the difference between

  • a garment that’s dry cleaned in dermatologically friendly, fabric gentle, non-dye stripping, crystal clear, odorless, moisture free, sizing free and fragrance free siloxane fluid and then hand ironed inside and out, and
  • a garment either laundered or wet cleaned, tossed into a dryer and machine pressed or dry cleaned in a toxic, aggressive, dye stripping solvent (such as perchloroethylene, synthetic petroleum or formaldehyde dibutyl acetal) and then machine pressed.

It’s the service equivalent of the old bait and switch.

They promise you one thing, but actually deliver something completely different.

By the way, if you know of any dry cleaner in Arizona – other than RAVE FabriCARE – that gently dry cleans and then delicately hand irons all your fine garments as a matter of routine, please share the news with us. Needless to say, we’d be interested in the details.

Just to make sure we’re comparing apples to apples, you should know that we:

  • pre-spot all your garments for both oil-based and water-based stains before they ever enter our dry cleaning machines,
  • clean your garments in dermatologically friendly, fabric gentle, non-dye stripping, crystal clear, odorless, moisture free, sizing free and fragrance free dry cleaning fluid, and
  • hand iron your garments, inside and out.

At ordinary cleaners – even the so-called “better cleaners” or self-styled “couture care specialists” – your garments are either laundered or wet cleaned, tossed into a dryer and machine pressed, or dry cleaned in aggressive, dye stripping solvents and then machine pressed. Followed by a quick hand “touch up” and a spray of steam…if deemed necessary…if you’re lucky.

And the difference?’

Brilliant whites, creams and pastels. Intense colors. Buttery soft feel. Zero sizing. Zero fragrance. Zero odor. Perfect smoothness. No hard press. No shine. No seam or button impressions. And much, much longer life.

At RAVE FabriCARE, we’d never pass off a $15 or $25 suit as a $50 or $65 suit in the hope that you’ll never know the difference.

At RAVE FabriCARE, our dry cleaning process is exactly what we say it is. And, unlike any other cleaner in Arizona (and possibly in the USA), we spell out our quality standards – in writing – for everyone to see.

There are no spurious claims. No distortions. No trickery. No fabrications. No bait and switch.